Pavement Condition Assessments
Providing accurate information and methods of improvement, while minimizing risks, requires varying level of engineering. Our engineers are available to discuss your next project to verify a defined scope that fits your needs, expectations, and goals. Typical services range from initial visual evaluations to comprehensive testing studies utilizing the latest in investigative technology verifying probable cause of conditions, development of mitigation and/or repair strategies, design improvement for immediate implementation and long-term forecasting.

Pavement Management
Our experienced engineers assist our property managers, owners and investors with the next level of consulting services by facilitating the complex steps in properly managing pavements by performing periodic condition reviews, update improvement forecasts, prioritize pavement needs while limiting unforeseen risks and balancing typical budget restraints.
Expert Witness
Retaining an expert in the engineering field with the knowledge, experience, accreditations and respect in the industry is what you’d expect from a company with over 50 years in business. Our engineers are available to assist you in retaining our experts on your specific case.
Forensic Material Investigations
Where performance concerns and expectations are not met on today’s paving projects potential need for contract compliance verification and/or development of mitigation, repair or corrective measures are needed. These types of comprehensive investigations may utilize destructive testing measures to understand the potential challenges, methods and/or compliance to the project’s specifications.

Construction Management & Inspection
The success of the overall project includes our continued engineering services, large or small, straight into the construction phase. The entire process ensures the project is constructed as planned, scheduled, designed and contracted as intended by our professional and experienced staff. Typical services include a scope of work that is intended to verify and aid the contractor’s activities in accordance to the project specifications.
Our services range from managing the project from the initial pre-construction meeting, site inspection services and ongoing testing including verification of materials, workmanship, thickness, compaction, and equipment use performed during construction. Our engineering support services include review of material submittals, change order(s) (if needed), continued support to our technical staff, and conclude with the issuance of the final punch list and letter of completion to the client.
Ground Penetrating
Radar (GPR)
LaBelle Marvin, Inc. has been providing our Ground Penetrating Radar pavement thickness scanning capabilities for private, local and state agencies for the past 15+ years.
Our GSSI’s RoadScan 2.0 GHZ equipment enables high definition thickness scanning of the upper 24” on a nearly continual basis, documenting the existing in-situ asphalt concrete pavement structure with approximately 1/8”-1/4” of accuracy throughout travel lanes, parking areas and intersections.
GPR data is typically utilized for quality assurance of new construction and structural evaluation of existing pavements. The data provides a clearer understanding of historical as built section thicknesses and limits of the variable pavement sections encountered during core sampling. Optional surveys can be performed for the presence of buried Portland cement concrete pavement, roadway alignments, and possible subsurface voids.

Asphalt & Soils Laboratory
For over 55 years our distinguished laboratory has been recognized as one of the most respected, dependable and standardized facility in the region. From our beginnings in 1969, our technical staff has provided the knowledge, experience, and comprehensive testing equipment to be expected on today’s projects. Our firm holds and maintains AASHTO accreditation, ASTM and Caltrans testing methods, and routinely educates and trains our technical staff.

Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD)
LaBelle Marvin has been performing deflection testing for various local and state agencies for the past 40+ years in Southern California. We are utilized by most city agencies, including but not limited to the Cities of San Clemente, Anaheim, Newport Beach, Irvine, Buena Park, Manhattan Beach, Long Beach, Seal Beach, and Palm Desert. Deflection based strength measurement testing is typically utilized for roadway rehabilitation projects, for developing pavement life projections, acceptance of completed construction projects, and measurement of probable structural impacts from traffic detours.