Your Premier Pavement Consultant
Engineering, Design, Testing & All things pavement
Private Sector - Pavement Engineering
Privately owned and maintained roadways, parking lots, and facilities account for the majority of pavements within the region and should be held to the same standards, methods and specifications set by the industry.
- Pavement Evaluations
- Improvement Forecasting
- Routine Maintenance Programs
- Balance Budget Restraints
- Increase Aesthetic Value(s)
Commercial Properties
- Maintain Safety Standards
- Meet Local Regulations
- Improve Site Aesthetics
- Balance Budget Restraints

Public Sector -
Pavement Engineering
Public Agencies continuously review the state of their infrastructure to identify roadways or roadway segments in need of corrective measures. LaBelle Marvin is pleased to offer on-call pavement engineering services in the form of as-needed testing, analysis, rehabilitation design, and specifications.
- Capitol Improvement Projects
- Street Rehabilitation Designs
- Impact Use Studies
- Life Cycle Cost Analysis

Testing Laboratory
Our in-house Asphalt Concrete and Soils Materials Laboratory was founded in 1969 and sets the standard for asphalt concrete design, testing, and analysis.
Laboratory testing is performed in full conformance to AASHTO and ASTM standards and with Caltrans oversight. Participation in periodic certifications and blind sample testing ensures data used in your design will be accurate and will fully represent conditions.
- Asphalt Concrete and Soils
- Quality Assurance Testing
- AASHTO Accredited
- Caltrans and Nicet Certification
Construction Management & Inspection
Construction inspection is a critical part of the overall success of a project. The entire process ensures the project is constructed as planned, scheduled, designed, and contracted as intended by our professional and experienced staff. Typical services include a scope of work that is intended to verify and aid the contractor’s activities in accordance to the project specifications.
- Certified Inspectors
- Construction Management
- Compaction Testing
- Quality Assurance QA/QC
Full-service pavement engineering since 1969
Your pavement network is the first impression of your area, your community and/or your business. The pavements represent your economic and social wellbeing. The pavements also provide play areas, improve health by reducing dust and safeguard our homes by reducing erosion, and direct rainfall and runoff to storm drains. Timely maintenance and improvement of your pavements is critical in protecting your investment and saving money.
LMI offers the latest in pavement engineering services with innovative techniques to test, analyze, and design all pavement related projects. We work with both private and public sector clients nationwide.
Our comprehensive pavement specialties include design and technical services, pavement analysis, inspection, and testing, as well as complete construction oversight.
We’re proud to combine our depth of experience and long history with an innovative, forward-thinking approach, resulting in a smooth experience and cost savings.
The LaBelle Marvin Difference
Here are just a few qualities that set LaBelle Marvin apart in our industry.
We'll give you the project specs
Start off your project right. Come to LaBelle Marvin to find out exactly what needs to be done — then you’ll know you’re getting the best and most accurate bids. We’ll also help project your pavement needs over the long-term.
We have over 50 years of experience
The pavement industry is very niche and very technical. You want experience on your side. We’re here to make your job easier. We’ll help you figure out exactly what you need, and we’ll save you money — and lower your risk — in the process.
We have a certified testing laboratory
Our in-house laboratory is overseen by our engineering staff, ensuring that all testing is performed timely and accurately, exceeding established standards. We’re innovative, forward-thinkers who are setting the standard for excellence in our industry.